
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Name of This Blog - Part 2

     "In my opinion, In My Onion is a good name for a blog."  This is how I ended my first post, which got me thinking about the evolution of our language, or maybe more accurately: American slang.       I'm the proud father of a very cool teenager, so as I typed that sentence in post number one, I was thinking of how she and her classmates might phrase the same opinion. "IMO, In My Onion is a sick  name for a blog." However, I'm not a teen, plus I think that line may be overstating. I just think it's good .     Still, I grew up in the 1970's and watched a lot of Brady Bunch as a kid. The Brady's would have likely said it like this, "In my opinion, In My Onion is a groovy name for a blog." Of course, there were no blogs in the Brady days, but you follow me.      Even though I'm too old to pull it off, I like to use the word dope. As in, "In my opinion, In My Onion is a dope name for a blog." But I didn't do it. Again

The Name of This Blog

    This will be the initial post of my second blog. The name of my first, Blood, Sweat, and Pig's Ears , came after some considerable thought, prompted by my own unspoken question; What's a unique blog title?  Of course, that blog was about home renovating, or more specifically, my approach or take on renovating, so that was top of mind as I was considering something that might be a distinct enough name that no one else would already have staked a claim.     BSAPE has become a big part of my life since I first clicked on Publish back in October 2011. In a roundabout way, blogging has been lifealtering for me. Still, I don't blog every day and sometimes I've gone long stretches without even opening my online baby; Blood, Sweat, and Pig's Ears, out on its own in cyberspace.      Somewhere along the line I read some advice about staying on topic while blogging. And I'll say, for the most part, I've held to within those margins. Yet there have been times when